Mother Nature belongs to all of us. Caring for the environment should be everybody’s concern. The Earth | Water initiative by the 3C Company is exactly that - a part of the global effort to create greater awareness about the need to preserve our planet and its resources.
Through this Campaign, the focus is on providing a better future to the generations to come. This is an effort to indicate the feeling of conserving water & preserving earth through these messages Save Yamuna, Conserve Water, Preserve Earth & Use Solar Energy.
As an initiative to encourage people to go green, The 3C Company carried few activities on DND flyway….
Through this Campaign, the focus is on providing a better future to the generations to come. This is an effort to indicate the feeling of conserving water & preserving earth through these messages Save Yamuna, Conserve Water, Preserve Earth & Use Solar Energy.
As an initiative to encourage people to go green, The 3C Company carried few activities on DND flyway….
Distribution of Saplings on Environment Day, 5th Jun’10
At The 3C Company, every thing is woven around the thought of “Create, Care, Conserve”. Environment day was an apt day to send that message across. The 3C team distributed saplings on this day. Beginning with the idea of spreading some basic GREEN tips, a 6 week newspaper campaign was carried out. These tips witnessed the interest of people at a large scale through emails and phone calls to know more about Going Green in their day to day routines.
Distribution of Eco Friendly Bag on Earth Hour, 2011